Katrina Jackson

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Strap & Release

To wrap up #katspridepicks here’s a new Welcome to Sea Port check-in!


It had been a long day at Confections.

Bria and Mary had been baking cookies all afternoon long for a party tonight. She normally loved bulk orders — they were like job security— but if she never had to see another thumbprint cookie again in her life, it would still be too soon. She and Mary had dropped the order off at the Community Center, and then Bria had practically ran to Sully’s house, let herself in the front door with the spare key that had become hers, and headed straight into the shower.

She did her best to wash the smell of sugar and vanilla from her skin and hair, but she’d also resigned herself to the fact that it would probably never go away entirely. Thankfully, she didn’t mind, and neither did Sully, and that was all that mattered really.

She stepped from the shower feeling fresh, clean, and like a brand-new person. She did her skincare, brushed her teeth, and zoned out after a very long day.

Bria slipped into the robe she left at Sully’s house and put her toiletries away in the side of the medicine cabinet Sully had cleared for her. They hadn’t talked about it, but all over Sully’s house were small reminders that Bria spent more time here than at home — the sweater on the coatrack when it got chilly at night, her Nintendo Switch, a spare pair of shoes just in case, her favorite vibrator. You know, the little things — small touches that made Bria feel at home. She hadn’t technically moved in with Sully, but she slept here at least four evenings a week. Sometimes more. Okay, usually more, but nothing was official.


She stepped from the bedroom into the hallway just as Sully stepped onto the second-floor landing. She was wearing gray sweatpants and a white tank top. No bra.

“Feel better?”

“I feel clean,” Bria clarified, licking her lips. “Not better. Not yet.”

Sully walked toward her with a smirk on her face. She grabbed the tail end of the belt holding Bria’s robe closed. “You hungry?”

“Not for dinner,” Bria shot back without any hesitation. This moment, or something like it, was the thing that had gotten her through the marathon day of butter, cookies, icing, repeat. All day, whenever her feet started to hurt or the sugar high wore off and she realized how goddamn tired she was, she thought about showering and Sully. She’d already showered, and now she was ready for what came next.

Bria grabbed Sully’s hand with one of hers and used the other to tug on the other side of the belt. They pulled the knot loose. Sully moved her free hand between the sides of Bria’s silky robe and rubbed her hand between her breasts. Bria stepped forward, wanting more of Sully’s skin against hers.

“Always so damn impatient,” Sully laughed.

“Yep. And eager.”

Sully moved her hand to Bria’s left breast, cupping the soft weight in her palm. Bria pulled her robe from her shoulders and let it fall at her feet. Sully’s gaze dropped to her chest and goosebumps erupted all over Bria’s skin. The air conditioning was on high, but Bria was still warm after her shower and heating up now that Sully’s hands were on her.

Sully pushed Bria back against the wall and cupped the swell of her other titty in one warm hand. Bria closed her eyes and rested the back of her head against the wall while Sully explored her breasts. To be fair, by now Sully knew every inch of skin on Bria’s body, and Bria knew the same about her. But she was happy to relax and let Sully learn some more.

She felt Sully’s breath on her chin, and then her smile on her lips. “You miss me today?” Sully asked while rolling Bria’s nipples between her fingers.

Bria opened her eyes and licked Sully’s bottom lip. “Desperately,” she whispered.

“Oh, shit. Desperate, huh?” Sully laughed against Bria’s lips. They kissed softly while one of Sully’s hands moved down Bria’s stomach. Bria wrapped her arms around Sully’s shoulders and pulled her forward while Sully’s hand moved across her skin and down, over her mound.

Bria opened her legs and her mouth with the same eagerness. Sully smiled as her fingers caressed Bria’s wet pussy.

Like she said, desperate.



Sully tried to keep her mind focused on this moment. On Bria’s hands caressing her hips before tightening the straps of her harness. She tried to only feel Bria’s slightly calloused hands as they moved down to massage the globes of her ass, and then down even further, dipping between her legs.

When Bria’s fingers slipped inside her, Sully shuddered in delight. Bria wrapped an arm around Sully’s front and started massaging her nipples while she fingerfucked her slow and deep.

“You’ve ruined coffee for me,” Bria whispered into the crook of Sully’s neck.

“Yeah?” Sully groaned.

Bria nodded. “Every time I even smell fresh ground coffee, my pussy starts shivering.”

Sully turned her head, and Bria’s mouth quickly covered hers. “I’ll remember that,” Sully muttered into Bria’s mouth.

“You remember how I like you to fuck me?” Bria asked, pulling her fingers from Sully’s pussy.

“You ask that every time, and then what happens?”

Bria slipped her wet finger into her mouth and crawled on the bed. “I don’t know, you tell me.”

Sully grabbed the bottle of water-based lubricant — unflavored — from the bed and got her strap ready in slow, sensual strokes. “I fuck you so good you fall asleep.”

Bria smiled in relief. “Exactly.” She leaned back on her elbows, bent her legs, and spread her thighs. “That’s exactly what I want, baby. Exactly what I’ve been thinking about all damn day.”

“You need to take a day off,” Sully said, kneeling on the mattress.

“I get every Tuesday off,” Bria said.

“And you’re so damn tired, you sleep all day,” Sully corrected.

Bria lifted her eyebrows. “Not since you started taking Tuesdays off too.”

Sully hid her smile in a soft kiss on her shin, kissing a path up toward her knee.

“Uh-huh,” Bria moaned softly. “That’s what I thought.”

Sully wrapped her hand around Bria’s ankle, just to hold her as she inched her way between her legs. She watched Bria out of the corner of her eye as the smart-ass smile fell off her lips. This was the moment Sully had been waiting for all day. This was what she wanted to come home to every day, but it was too soon. Wasn’t it?

Sully’s brain said yes. They’d only been together for a few months, and there was a lot going on in their lives. Bria had just discovered that Willie was her sister. Sully was still struggling to balance being there for Willie and Bria at the same time, especially when Willie’s life was casually spinning out of control. And all of that happening with the threat of another coffee shop popping up in Sea Port had her stressed. Everyone was stressed in Sea Port, Sully thought, but then she corrected herself.

Santos, Mary, and Knox actually seemed fine amidst all the chaos, but they were an anomaly.

Sully didn’t know how other people were coping with the unexpected changes in their little town, but she was coping very well with Bria in her bed.

Bria reached for her pussy. Sully waited until her fingers were almost on her clit before batting her hand away. “Bitch,” Bria laughed and fell on her back.

Sully gave her one more kiss on her kneecap before straightening her back and looking down at Bria, massaging her breasts. Sully sometimes made Bria wait until her clit was sensitive, tears were falling down her cheeks, and she was willing to beg. Sully hadn’t actually made her beg yet; she was saving that for a special occasion. Today, however, had been a hell of a day, and Sully didn’t have the willpower to tease either of them any more than she already had.

They both needed this release.

Bria jumped when Sully brushed her clit with her knuckles. She circled the hard bud with her fingertips while she spread her knees and grabbed the slightly spongey head of her strap.

Bria lifted her right breast to her mouth and started licking her nipple. She sucked the entire thing in her mouth when Sully moved the tip to her opening.

“Baby,” Bria moaned, her eyes fluttering closed.

Sully flexed her ass to get deep. She changed the pace of her thumb, massaging her clit at the same pace as she fucked into her — slow and steady.

“That good, baby?” Sully asked.

“Yeah.” She loved when Bria moaned.

“You like feeling me deep like this?” she asked right before slamming back inside.

Bria’s thigh shook, and she cried out. Sully bent forward, and Bria wrapped her legs around Sully’s waist. She dug her knees into the mattress and started using her core to rock her hips forward and back, grinding the soft leather against Bria’s clit. At this angle, she could get the silicone base flat against her own clit while she and Bria ground their hips together.

Bria offered her other nipple to Sully, and she latched on excitedly, happy to use her mouth for something besides yapping.

Sully had been talking all day. Starting a coffeeshop had been a no-brainer when she decided to move to Sea Port, but she’d never quite imagined how success would ruin the cozy café vibes she’d been going for by forcing her into constant communication all day long. Sure, it was economically positive that her café was full — according to Sea Port standards — but that also meant that every day, all day, someone was in Sully’s face needing something and requiring a long chit-chat to get it — her staff, W.A.K.C. members, Willie when she stopped in for her afternoon tea. She couldn’t even count the number of minutes she spent talking with someone about the most random things — where she sourced her beans, if the sky was blue above the clouds, and if she’d heard the rumors about Lorraine and Jonah in the library after dark. It was all too much and most of it was none of her business.

There were far more important things she wanted to do with her mouth, and inhale Bria’s breasts was definitely one of them. But not the only one. And they had time for all that tonight.

Tomorrow, they’d wake up early and get to work before the sun was out. They’d run around town and maybe catch glimpses of one another in passing, and they wouldn’t complain because tomorrow would end just like this.

Sully pushed back up, pressing Bria’s knees back to the bed.

“Oh god!” Bria cried out in a choked voice. “Right there, baby.”

Sully didn’t care how early she had to get up tomorrow or how long her day would be, so long as she got to come home to Bria. As long as she got to bend Bria up into a pretzel and fall asleep with her in her arms.

No matter what happened in the next few weeks, Sully was sure she and Bria would be okay.

If you liked this story and you’re ready to return to Sea Port with me, don’t forget to sign up for the special Welcome Back to Sea Port newsletter list to get exclusive info on the re-release!